6 min read

The Vital Role of Regular Wellness Examinations for Your Pet

Clearbrook Animal Hospital - Your Pet's Health, Our Passion and Promise.
Written by
Dr. Vishesh Jalan
Created on
June 4, 2023
Dr. Vishesh Jalan shares the importance of regular wellness examinations

Why Regular Vet Visits are Essential

Pets, just like humans, need regular health check-ups. While you may only visit the doctor when you're feeling unwell, your pet relies on you to ensure they're in peak health at all times. Regular wellness examinations at a trusted animal hospital, like Clearbrook Animal Hospital in Fraser Valley, are a crucial aspect of responsible pet ownership. Wellness examinations serve a preventative purpose, much like an annual physical check-up for humans. These regular visits allow us, your Abbotsford vet team, to detect any potential health issues early. Early detection is key in treating many common pet illnesses effectively and can mean the difference between a minor treatment and a major procedure.

Image courtesy of Laura Davidson via Unsplash
“Early detection is key in treating many common pet illnesses effectively and can mean the difference between a minor treatment and a major procedure.”

What Happens During a Wellness Examination

During a wellness examination, we conduct a thorough physical inspection of your pet. We examine their skin and coat, listen to their heart and lungs, and check their eyes, ears, and teeth for any signs of illness. Your pet's weight, body condition, and behavior are also assessed. This thorough check-up gives us a comprehensive view of your pet's overall health. Apart from the physical inspection, a wellness examination also includes advice on diet, exercise, and care based on your pet's age, breed, and health status. Whether your pet is a new kitten or an aging dog, we provide appropriate guidance and recommendations.

Vaccinations and Parasite Prevention

Vaccinations are another critical part of the wellness examination. We review and update your pet's vaccination record, ensuring they're protected against common diseases. Additionally, we discuss options for parasite prevention, including treatments for fleas, ticks, and heartworms.

The Benefits of Regular Vet Visits

Regular visits to the vets near you not only ensure that your pet is healthy but also foster a positive relationship between your pet and their veterinarian. This familiarity can make future visits less stressful for your pet.

Image courtesy of Leon via Unsplash


Prioritizing regular wellness examinations is an investment in your pet's overall health and well-being. As a leading veterinarian near you, Clearbrook Animal Hospital is committed to providing comprehensive, compassionate care for your furry family member. Book an appointment with us today and take a proactive step towards your pet's long, healthy life.

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